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Problems Unsolved and A Nation Divided

Problems Unsolved and A Nation Divided

Report Description

The Harvard Business School’s U.S. Competitiveness Project aims to “understand and improve the competitiveness of the United States—that is, the ability of firms operating in the U.S. to compete successfully in the global economy while supporting high and rising living standards for Americans.” This 2016 report by project co-chairs Michael Porter and Jan Rivkin provides a comprehensive analysis of five years of research from the U.S. Competitiveness Project along with the findings of the 2016 HBS survey on U.S. competitiveness.

Report Details

  • Report Title: Problems Unsolved and A Nation Divided
  • Author: Michael E. Porter, Jan W. Rivkin, and Mihir A. Desai, with Manjari Raman
  • Date Published: September 1, 2016
  • Publisher:  Harvard Business School
  • Language: English
  • Paperback:  72 pages
  • Genre: U.S. Competitiveness